Food Planner: On Rediscovering the Yellow Mango

by linzcaryl

I’e always thought that the yellow mango has got to be the most unassuming of all fruits. Underrated yet always sweet and bright, this fruit has got me missing home. The fruit always reminds me of that tropical bliss I feel when in Manila, where for the most part, the heat is always on and the bustling city is never quite asleep.

Perhaps, I am just really missing home and the unapologetic mango was a great excuse to tackle the subject (also, a response to today’s brilliant Daily Prompt). Canada may have its own version of the mango, but it never is the same as the Philippines’ kind. It lacks juiciness, depth and that thirst quenching quality that the Philippine mango is known for.

Love your own, right? For now, I stick to Canadian market bought bananas, strawberries and grapes. But one day soon, the mango and I will meet again.